British Universities Try New Initiatives to Reduce Underage DUI

Underage drinking and driving is a challenge for colleges and universities across the globe TO deal with. In the United Kingdom, colleges and universities are making stronger efforts to handle the challenge that binge driving poses.

Several British universities have signed on to be part of the NUS Alcohol Impact project which is targeted at specifically lowering student binge drinking rates dates, and addressing the drinking culture on campus. The universities that have signed on to be part of the project will reduce the amount of advertising involving alcohol on campus. They will also refuse to serve intoxicated students. These universities are will also promote a café culture during the late hours of the evening, following a European idea that is mainly targeted at helping lure students away from pubs and bars.

Several of the biggest universities in the country have signed on to the program. These universities will have to establish strict rules and policies on alcohol practices, including the practice of drinking games. This is a practice that is very strongly linked to binge drinking, and also contributes to high rates of underage DUI. Other alcohol-related practices that are popular with college students like pub crawls, and alcohol-related initiations will also be targeted by the universities. These initiations often result in alcohol intoxication, assaults and other crimes.

In the United States too, colleges and universities are implementing more innovative campaigns to help reduce the risk of binge driving and underage DUI among students. Some colleges are experimenting with alcohol-free parties, while others are training students to organize parties on campus, thereby reducing the risk that students will feel the need to drive under the influence of alcohol.
